The Vampire Coalition J S Scott Download Torrent

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Apr 27, 2012  Paranormal Romance, Romance Book - Ethan's Mate (The Vampire Coalition, #1) written by J.S. Scott| Read online, free sample chapters. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of erotic romance. She's an avid reader of all types of books and literature.

Danielle bourdon

Author:J S Scott
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Published: 2013-02-27T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 2

Was Liam a complete masochist, or just a vampire healer with a constant death wish?

Regan had been contemplating the same question for the last two hours as she paced Liam's large, tastefully decorated living room. She had long since cleaned up any remnants of their Chinese meal even though Liam could have done it with a wave of his hand. The task had occupied her body, but it didn't stop her mind from racing with fear for his safety.

Damn it! When would the stubborn vampire admit that, as a vampire healer, he was different? He couldn't fight battles with the fallen and come out unscathed. She had watched him suffer way too often not feel outraged over the entire situation. His brothers needed to know, but Liam certainly wasn't going to be the one to enlighten them.

Liam was her friend, she reminded herself as she stopped pacing before she wore a hole in the plush carpeting and flopped onto a comfortable leather sofa. When he was hurting, it nearly killed her.

Because Liam is your mate!

Regan wanted to shake her head in denial, but it wouldn't help. Liam was her mate, but he could never know the truth. How many times had she wanted to tell him to see if they could solve the mystery of the intimacy clause in the Book Of The Vampire Healer?

You love him.


The Vampire Coalition J S Scott Download Torrent Free

God help her, but she did love Liam Hale with every breath in her body, which is why he could never know that she was his chosen mate. She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when she had known that she loved him, but his safety had become her number one priority.

Regan had known the truth about being his mate since her sister had mated with his brother Nathan eight months ago. It hadn't been difficult to figure out who the mark that was imprinted on her hip belonged to after she had seen Sasha's marking and her sister had revealed its meaning. Liam had been the last unmated brother and his mark was very similar to Nathan's. The mark of the dragon.

Regan curled her body into the corner of the sofa and shivered as she remembered the horror of the night the mage council had come to her home, shortly after Sasha had mated with Nathan, and stripped her naked to look for the mating mark of the vampire on her body. Her own mother had ratted Regan out, remembering that her youngest daughter had the strange birthmark. While Sasha's mark had appeared on her eighteenth birthday, Regan had been born with hers. After slowly and painfully altering the mark, the council had given her a choice - mate with the mage of their choice or see Liam killed by the mage league of assassins.

The Vampire Coalition J S Scott Download Torrent

Tears leaked from Regan's eyes as she rubbed the altered mark on her hip. While the pain of the alteration had been excruciating, the fact that Liam would never be hers hurt even more. She could never risk him, never tell him that they were destined mates.


Shadonna Richards

Vampire Coalition - Complete Collection by J S

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