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Press Down, Up(2), Down, Left, Right, L1, R1, L1, R1 at the menu with 'Continue' and 'New Game' options. The phrase 'Secret code accepted' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Press Triangle(3), Square(3), L1, R1, R2(2), L2(2) at the menu with 'Continue' and 'New Game' options. The phrase 'Secret code accepted' will be spoken twice to confirm correct code entry.
At the new game/continue screen press Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, ,L1, R1, L1, R1.
In the Aldertag mission, when you man the AA gun, do not let the Germans bomb any of the hangers. After that part, you are in your plane. When you look at the hangers, one hanger will be bombed, even after you saved it.
Totally complete the game (all secondary and bonus objectives in every level) to unlock the German Dornier 335. This plane has a propeller in the back and middle. It can range from 72 to 450mph.

In the Dunkirk mission, destroy all the bridges before the second group of Panzers crosses them. When you face the Nemisis BF-109s, go to the west bridge. While using your binoculars, you can see the Panzers floating in mid-air. When they get half way across the bridge, they blow up.
Enable the 'Invincibility' code. In the mission where you have to wait for the train to reach a factory, when the factory door is open you can go through the walls.
You have to beat all of the secondary objectives. The catch is you have to beat them on the first try.
At the main screen that says 'Continue' and 'New Game' press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, R2. If you do it correctly, the game will say 'Secret Code Accepted'.
In Instant Action mode, choose Dunkirk. Destroy the city. Go far away from the bombed city. When you go back, there will be no city. When you get closer, you can see the debris suddenly appear.
Press Square(3), Circle(3), Triangle, Square for the first part of the code at the menu with 'Continue' and 'New Game' options. Then, press R2(2), L2(2) for the second part of that code. The phrase 'Secret code accepted' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
In mission 12, 'Jet Stream', do not shoot down the Bf-109s and Fw-190s. Instead, shoot down all the bombers except for your plane and LT. Woys'. When you are flying the Me-262, look for Pauline's plane. All the bombers will be back.
More instant replay views
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, R1(2), L1(2) at the menu with 'Continue' and 'New Game' options. The phrase 'Secret code accepted' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Before the Adertag mission choose a plane other than the Spitfire. After you man the AA gun, it will show a picture of the Spitfire as if you were going to use it. At the very end of the mission, the game also shows you flying the Spitfire.
In the mission where you have to wait for the train to reach a factory, destroy the train when it is inside the factory. At the end of the mission, the train drives off, as if it was not destroyed.
At the main title screen that says 'Continue' and 'New GAme' press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, L1,R1. If you do it correctly, the game will say 'Secret Code Accepted'.

At the new game/continue screen press Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, R1, L1, R1. This will unlock all levels in Instant Action Mode.
Unlock X-Wing and TIE Fighter
To unlock the X-wing and Tie Fighter in Instant Action Mode, beat all 15 missions and all 22 challenge missions.

In Instant Action mode, if you choose the Heinkel 1078a jet as your enemy's plane, look at the affinity icon of the enemy during game play. It shows the American icon (white star in blue circle) which is historically incorrect since this aircraft is supposed to be a German plane. The icon should be either the German cross or the Nemesis symbol. However, the icon is correct during the last campaign mission when you face this aircraft.
At the end of the Aldertag mission, the Ju 88s are German-colored. When you use the Ju 88 that was captured in the next level, it is nighttime German colored.
In Instant Action, choose the Adertag mission. In some mini-cities have little towers. When you get close, the towers are too small. This means the plane is about 4 times as bis as it needs to be.
In the Gallery, choose the 'Danger: Nemesis' option. At the end it says the song is 'The Rescue of Pauling'. However, the song is 'Peenemunde'.
Secret Weapons Over Normandy Pc Download For Windows 7
Successfully complete the bonus objective of sinking all patrol boats in 'Mosquito Bite' to unlock the Curtiss-Wright XP-55.
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