Feb 14, 2019 The description of ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE With over 100 Million+ downloads to date, ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE is an exhilarating adventure with your favorite Anime crew. Form your own misfit pirate crew, pull off power combos,. 類似遊戲 海賊王 尋寶之旅 (ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE) 英文版 ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE 4.6 航海王:萬千風暴 (One Piece Thousand Storm) ONE PIECE サウザンドストーム 4.2 快逃 史萊姆! にげろ、.
So after fiddling around and trying to get the Japanese version I managed to get it successfully on my IPhone 4.
In order to get it you'll need a Japanese I Tunes account. Here's what I did in order to obtain one.
Have ITunes on Your Computer. Logout of your current I Tunes account if you are already logged in.Go into ITunes store and scroll to the bottom right. You should see a country symbol that is circular. Click it and click Japan (It's under the Asia Pacific Region)
It should now take you to the Japan I Tunes store, the music section. Scroll down and click App Store, it should direct you there. Then scroll down and look to your right for free apps and top grossing. Click on any app that's free, i.e Puzzles and Dragons. Then click the get button.
A prompt should pop up asking for I tunes ID. Click create apple id. Things should pop up for you to enter a new email address etc... After you enter all of that, the payment options should come up and there should be a payment option of none. Click that option. Verify your email.
Japanese I Tunes account should be successfully completed and signed up.
4. Go to your IOS Device and go to App Store. Logout of your current account. Then login into your Japanese account. It should re-direct you to the Japanese store. Go to search and type in One Piece. The first thing that should pop up will be Treasure Cruise. Download it.
Enjoy playing the Japanese Version on Your IOS Device :)

One Piece Treasure Cruise Japanese Version Download 2017
One Piece Treasure Cruise Japanese Apk Download

Hello everyone!
It's porkypine here, it came to my attention that a lot of you don't know how to play Japanese version of One Piece Treasure Cruise and are wanting to (from the constant questions on how to re-roll, to playing the Japanese version on our One Piece Treasure Cruise family's stream). I have created videos showing you how to play on the Japanese version of one piece as well as showing you how to get the most out of creating your One Piece Treasure Cruise account with a total of 35 gems resulting in 7 pulls on the Japanese Version of One Piece Treasure Cruise!
One Piece Treasure Cruise Guide
EDIT: YES, there is another tutorial video containing how to create a new account if you do not like your old one (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AS SUGO FEST BEGINS ON the 31st and you can possibly pull 6 STAR recruits including the NEW legendary 6 star shanks) Just click on the link below and you should see the next tutorial.
One Piece Treasure Cruise Japanese Version Download Ios
How to play the Japanese version of One Piece Treasure Cruise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnyCgaDq-Uo
One Piece Treasure Cruise Japanese Version Download Pc
I will also be posting a tutorial on what the best emulator to play One Piece Treasure Cruise on is! including IOS & Android. Make sure to subscribe to my channel as I will be making more tips and tutorials on One Piece Treasure Cruise as well as unboxing One Piece and League of Legends related products. Please leave any suggestions on what tutorials or videos in general I should make! I hope this helps everyone out!