Mac Os X Leopard Patched Iso Download Free For Pc

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Power iso download freeMac Os X Leopard Patched Iso Download Free For Pc

Feb 1, 2017 - Your best choice would be to google around and find an ISO file to burn to a dual layer DVD or on an USB key. If you have a Mac developer account you can also download a copy of. Then search for: Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard 9A581. The 10.4 and 10.5 from MacintoshGarden, it's easy and hassle free.

  • I have a MacBook1,1, but its HDD died.
  • I need an instance of OS X mainly to build OS X binaries of some of my open-source software.

Mac Os X Leopard Patched Iso Download Free For Pc Version

  1. Obtain installation medium
    • I had the OS X 10.4 (Tiger) OEM installation disks that came with my MacBook1,1.
    • When ripping /dev/sr0 with dd, my disks have the MD5 sums:
      • 77d30216857aad8909ebc1e53d129750 MyMacBook-disk1.iso
      • a88b7fc3f3e827593b5a62e0ed273825 MyMacBook-disk2.iso
  2. Patch installation medium to support installation on any system
    • The installer app will check the DSDT values.
      • The check is to make sure that the OEM disks are only used for the hardware that they came with.
      • The check seems to be done by a bit of JS code.
        • There is a blacklist and a whitelist.
        • If the DSDT doesn’t match, the installer will show the error message “This software cannot be installed on this computer”.
      • DSDT is “Differentiated System Description Table” and seems to be embedded in the BIOS firmware.
      • This value can be viewed by running sysctl hw.model or in the System Profiler app (from the OS X installer live CD).
      • For me, the value when running in QEMU with the default BIOS was “BXPCDSDT0,1”
        • “BXPCDSDT” is:
          • “BXPC” is probably “Bochs PC”
          • “DSDT” is “Differentiated System Description Table”
        • “0,1” is probably the hardware version OSLT
    • The proper way to patch out this check seems to be:
      • Image the disk to a writable .dmg
      • Mount it on an OS X system
      • Edit /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg/Contents/OSInstall.dist
      • Check blacklist (badMachines) and update whitelist (hwbeSupportedMachines)
      • Unmount the .dmg and burn it to a new CD
      • Video:
    • An easier way is to use a hex editor to search for hwbeSupportedMachines in the .iso file, and patch the very next return false; to return true ;
      • On my MyMacBook-disk1.iso, there were three occurrences
        • Patching just the first occurrence did not cause the error message to go away
          • (it was probably inside the installed content… thus it’s probably better to patch them all).
  3. Configure the VM
    • Configuration
      • Software
        • Most of the examples online use raw QEMU command lines.
        • I wanted to set it up in libvirt, so that it worked like my other VMs.
        • Not all QEMU settings map to libvirt XML settings, so raw QEMU command lines have to be used.
      • Machine
        • All sources say that you must use the QEMU q35 machine, and not the default i440FX.
        • Note that libvirt automatically expands q35 to pc-q35-2.8 (the latest version of that machine). This is harmless.
      • CPU
        • Sources say to use “Penryn”.
        • Make sure the vendor is GenuineIntel
          • QEMU command line: -cpu Penryn,vendor=GenuineIntel
          • libvirt: <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'> <model fallback='allow'>Penryn</model> <vendor>Intel</vendor> </cpu>
      • BIOS <<gsomlo-bios>>
        • Gabriel Somlo’s page recommends using a custom UEFI firmware, however this wasn’t necessary (and in fact did not work) with OS X 10.4.
          • Said firmware:
            • AUR package:
          • Attempting to build and use the firmware as directed results in:
            • the VM sits at the TianoCore logo for about 1 minute
            • After which it goes to the UEFI Interactive Shell (screenshot) and hangs apparently indefinitely
        • The default QEMU BIOS (SeaBios) seems to work fine for OS X 10.4 (aside the necessary DSDT patch mentioned above).
      • Kernel
        • A custom kernel seems to be necessary to be able to boot OS X.
          • Gabriel Somlo’s old page says that it’s needed “to bridge the gap between SeaBIOS and the Apple EFI BIOS expected by Mac OS X”.
          • Since it’s absent on the new page, I assume its functionality has been folded into the patched BIOS, however I haven’t been able to get to work at all.
          • Unfortunately it can only be built on an OS X machine with Xcode, so we will need to use a pre-built binary.
          • Gabriel provides a pre-built binary we can use
            • Download URL:
              • (but check his page for a newer version).
          • kholia’s OSX-KVM project seems to use something slightly different called “enoch” (a fork of Chameleon?). <<enoch>>
            • Enoch source code is here:
        • Andrei Ostanin’s blog post mentions that the kernel can be replaced by the Chimera bootloader.
        • You can specify the kernel in the <os> tag:
      • Storage
        • The OS X installer needs the disk drive to be connected via IDE
        • For some reason, libvirt doesn’t allow adding IDE devices to a q35 machine, despite QEMU supporting them
          • Bug report: <<libvirt-ide-bug>>
        • Workaround is to specify the devices via QEMU command lines:
          • Don’t forget to add the qemu namespace to the root XML element, e.g.:
          • After installing the OS, you can remove these entries and add the HDD as a normal SATA device using virt-manager.
      • Apple SMC
        • An additional device must be present on the ISA bus to identify the computer as an Apple device
        • The device must be configured with the OSK, a 64-character string
          • The OSK is copyrighted, so it is not mentioned here
          • The OSK is globally constant (the same on all machines, so it doesn’t identify a machine or such)
          • The OSK can be extracted by booting a live Linux CD on a Mac and running a program available from Gabriel Somlo’s old page
          • The OSK can also be found on the Internet, such as in kholia’s OSX-KVM project.
        • The device must be configured as a QEMU parameter:
      • Network
        • The only network adapter I could get to work with OS X 10.4 is usb-net
        • QEMU wiki networking guest hints mentions that rtl8139 should work, but it did not work for me
    • References
      <<<Gabriel Somlo’s page>>>
      <<<Gabriel Somlo’s old page>>>
      <<<Andrei Ostanin’s blog post>>>
      <<<kholia’s OSX-KVM project>>>
      <<<QEMU wiki networking guest hints>>>
  4. Install OS X
    • Installation should be mostly uneventful, with the ISO patched
    • When prompted for a location to install the OS, start Disk Utility from the menu above to partition the HDD
      • OS X doesn’t seem to use dedicated swap partitions, so a single HFS+ partition spanning the entire disk is fine
    • An advanced install is preferred
      • By default, it wants to install gigabytes of printer drivers, translations, and multimedia applications
      • Deselecting the above gets it to not even request the second disk
    • During installation, it prompts for details like an Apple ID and personal information (name/address), but these can be skipped
  5. Setup
    • Perform Software Update
      • After completion, check Software Update again and repeat, it takes a few iterations to install all updates

As I discovered, 10.4 does not include the Mac App Store, and cannot be easily upgraded to 10.6 (easier than doing a clean install, anyway). Gabriel Somlo’s page mentions that 10.6 is the last version to come on a disk, and it also debuts the App Store (which provides a way to obtain newer OS X versions), which is why it makes sense to start from this version. Installation/setup is mostly the same as for 10.4. Differences:

  • The version I got (MD5 a83cec287b4ab2f0ef11264c580c4e2d) did not require patching any DSDT/hw.model checks, and agreed to install without modifications.
  • The version I got came in .dmg format. QEMU can use these directly.

Unfortunately this was a dead end too:

  • It is not possible to upgrade directly from Snow Leopard to the latest version, Sierra
  • Older versions (between Sierra and Snow Leopard) are not directly available on the App Store.
  • Although it’s possible to e.g. open the App Store entry for El Capitan through a link, downloading it still fails with the error “This version of OS X 10.11 cannot be installed on this computer.”
  • The .dmg and .iso of the version I had (can’t remember where I got them from) refused to boot with: “Can’t find boot file: ‘/mach_kernel’”
    • Apparently this is due to the boot ISO being invalid / unbootable - it was probably the .dmg as downloaded from the App Store.
  • The OSX-KVM script doesn’t work for Yosemite:
    • Running the script with the default arguments as root causes the entire guest OS to crash.
    • Running the script in non-root mode causes the script to crash.
    • Probably not surprising, since it explicitly targets El Capitan and Sierra.
  • I’ve tried to follow the steps on Gabriel Somlo’s page (section “2. Creating an OS X boot DVD iso image”)
    • Since I was doing this on OS X Snow Leopard, I needed to use Pacifist to extract the Kernels directory from Essentials.pkg.
      • It contained a single 10M file called “kernel”.
    • I seem to have followed all steps successfully and created an Yosemite.iso file. However, it does not work.
      • The BIOS the Gabriel Somlo’s page says to use still doesn’t work (as described above).
      • With the standard OVMF UEFI firmware, the effect is the same as with Gabriel’s macboot branch, but without the 1-minute delay.
      • Without Chameleon and the default BIOS, SeaBIOS considers the ISO unbootable.
      • With Chameleon and the default BIOS, it gets further but crashes on boot:
        • On boot, the BIOS complains about read errors.
        • If there is more than one CPU/core present, the kernel panics about the pthread kernel extension not being loaded.
        • If there is only one CPU/core present, it shows a gray progress bar and stops there.

Mac Leopard 10.5 Free Download

  • A very recent Sierra update changed the SMC validation mechanism
    • Adding an isa-applesmc QEMU device is currently insufficient
    • Can be worked around by adding a kExt module instead
    • Patches for QEMU exist (see Gabriel Somlo’s page) but aren’t merged yet
  • Due to the above-described problems, I couldn’t find a way to get to 10.12 from my working 10.6 installation. So, I borrowed a friend’s work MacBook.
    • The MacBook was running 10.12.5 (latest version of the time).
    • I created three installation images using three methods:
      1. By following the instructions on Gabriel Somlo’s page
        • Finally, Gabriel Somlo’s firmware does something other than hanging at the logo.
          • However, it still doesn’t seem to be enough to get things working.
          • With QEMU 2.9.0, it shows the Apple logo on a black background, and a progress bar which reaches a certain point, displays a “beach ball” mouse cursor, and hangs.
            • The progress bar seems to move at a constant speed (instead of displaying some actual progress), as the point at which it hangs depends on whether the disk image is cached in memory (i.e. it reaches about 45% with a cold cache, and about 15% with a warm cache).
            • Gabriel sent me a patch set that passes -v to the macOS kernel, which enables debug output. Video recording of boot process is here.
              • Looking online for the last line printed, this thread looks similar, which suggests a new problem since 10.12.4.
              • I’ve been told that installing 10.12.3 then upgrading to 10.12.5 should work, implying it’s likely a problem with the installer only.
          • With QEMU master, it does not even show the progress bar - only the Apple logo. It looks like a regression in QEMU.
            • With the -v patch, looks like this.
      2. Using the script from kholia’s OSX-KVM project.
        • Gabriel Somlo’s firmware does not work with this image. The project’s boot script (which uses enoch) must be used instead.
        • The boot screen here has a dark gray logo and a gray background instead of a black background like above. I hypothesize this is because the machine is booting in BIOS mode instead of UEFI mode.
        • Installation and booting works!
      3. Using the createinstallmedia script, as suggested on Red Hat’s bugtracker.
        • This required using a separate volume for the media. I emulated a 16GB USB flash drive using my phone (using DriveDroid).

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