Find Serial Number Ipad

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My girlfriend and I have traveled to Singapore and her iPad has gotten stolen.

This model number is located below the Apple logo towards the bottom just under 'iPad.' There are two lines of text, and depending on exactly which iPad you are holding, the model number will be on the first or second line. For the latest models, it is located just before the serial number. Jan 4, 2019 - Learn how to find the serial number of an iPhone, iPad, iPod, HomePod, Mac, or other Apple product. On an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod, or Apple Watch, in Settings > General > About. If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or iPod, you can get the serial number from the Devices. Find IMEI or the serial number and other information for your iPhone XS, XR, X, 8 and all iPhone, iPad, iPad Air and iPod Touch.

We can't seem to find her iPad serial number anywhere (she never plugged it into her computers as it was backed up through iCloud and it charged faster through the socket), and she's binned the box it came in from.

Apple's support website doesn't show it under her Apple ID either. We've also tried going through other possible emails, but there's only the one.

It does, however, show under Find my iPhone on the iCloud website. Is there a way to retrieve the serial number through here?

We need it so that the police here can match it to a database of lost and found devices.


2 Answers

I've found how you do it.

With Xcode installed, open your terminal and run:


open ~/Library/Preferences/

This will open the property list editor.

Navigate down to Root -> Devices and look under each device to recognise the one you're looking for. There are 2 identifying factors: DeviceClass (which can be iPod, iPhone or iPad) and Firmware Version String. Through those two I was able to get the serial number I needed.


Find Serial Number Smart Keyboard Ipad

This will NOT work if you never registered and created an Apple ID!

  • Login to
  • At the top right you will see your little avatar (it's a circle and your name/Username will be next to it; click the name.
  • At the bottom of the next page there will be listed all devices you have on that account.
  • Select the appropriate one and the Serial number will come up and look like this, but with bullets: SERIAL *******KRTR4 (7 unseen characters) and the IMEI number will be below it with 10 unseen characters and 5 numbers, like this: IMEI **********68453.

Once you have completed this process above:

  • Click manage at the top of this screen
  • Reenter your account information
  • Scroll down to device's then click view details
  • Answer security questions
  • Now your full serial number will be listed there.
Graham Miln
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I have a WiFi only 4th generation iPad and to trade my device in I am being asked for an IMEI serial number that you would dial for on your dialer. However, my iPad does not have a dialer, and I cannot find an IMEI in settings.

Can you help or is there no possible way to find this information?

164k46 gold badges300 silver badges643 bronze badges
Jason BallingerJason Ballinger

2 Answers

The settings app has a general section where you can get all the various MEID / IMEI / ICCID and serial numbers. If you are being forced to make up a number, perhaps the listing isnt correct for a WiFi only device or you need to find a seller that can properly classify your hardware as WiFi only.

If you did have a cellular capable iPad, and you can’t find the information in the about section, it might need a restore or repair.

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Find Ipad Serial Number Online

Only cellular devices have an IMEI (it stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity). Also a dialer is only available on an iPhone (not on a cellular iPad).

In your case the only thing you could provide is the serial number, which you can discover in Settings -> General -> About. It can be used on Apple's Check Coverage page to verify purchase date and warranty coverage.


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